This is another outfit I wore during my short holiday back in December. Everything here is either vintage or no name/random brand but I love every piece, especially the fluffy black beret and my snowflake brooch. I was obviously freezing so please excuse my red nose.
I also received The Stylish Blogger Award from Roxy (thank you) and I have to tell you 7 things about me so here we go :)
- I wish I could go backpacking around the world and wonder around unknown cities, sleep in cheap hostels, eat traditional food no matter how exotic and weird it would be, find wonderful bargains on obscure streets, find beautiful hidden stores, discover all the secrets a city has without maps or guides, meet people and never see them again, I would love to reinvent myself, have nothing to worry about and be completely free because nobody knows who I am.
- I’m pretty handy – just give me the right tools and an instruction manual and I’ll assemble pretty much everything in no time.
- I’m a TV series junkie. I could watch my favorites TV shows (which are many) for a week without pauses and without getting out of the house, while my sister Sara gets bored after one day and tells me I waist my life away:)
- Every morning I wake up and go to work I realize how lame my physical endurance really is as sometimes the elevator is broken and I actually have to the take the stairs for...2 entire floors – useless to say I almost faint on my desk oance I actually arrive there. I always plan to seriously work out, attend Pilates or yoga classes but never go.
- I’m completely and utterly the most disagreeable person early in the morning. To say I’m not a morning person would be the understatement of the year. My sister Sara actually has to pretend she’s asleep just to avoid eye contact or talking to me even if I make a lot of noise (she’s afraid for her life:)))). She did that a few times and it wasn’t pretty.
- If I had a superpower that would be the ability to give myself any superpower I wanted at any time – cause that’s the kind of generous person I am.
- I’m indecisive and predisposed to extremes in everything I do, always trying to achieve some sort of an equilibrium.
Varianta in romana:
Am primit The Stylish Blogger Award de la Roxy (multumesc mult) si trebuie sa va povestesc 7 lucruri despre mine asa ca m-am gandit sa le scriu aici:
- Imi doresc sa plec cu rucsacul prin lume, sa hoinaresc toata ziua prin orase, sa dorm in hosteluri ieftine, sa mananc mancare traditionala oricat de ciudata ar fi, sa cumpar chilipiruri de pe strazi obscure, sa intru in magazine ascunse, sa descopar fara harta si ghid un oras, sa nu ma cunoasca nimeni si sa ma reinventez mereu, sa cunosc oamenii pe care sa nu ii mai vad apoi, sa nu am nici o grija si sa fiu complet libera pentru ca nimeni nu stie cine sunt.
- Sunt destul de indemantica si daca am uneltele necesare si un manual cu intructiuni pot sa asamblez cam orice in timp record.
- Am o usora dependenta de seriale tv. As putea sa ma uit la serialele care imi plac (sunt foarte multe) fara intrerupere si fara sa ies afara din casa o saptamana intreaga, in timp ce Sara se plange ca e satula de filme dupa maxim o zi si ma bate la cap ca imi irosesc viata :).
- In fiecare dimineata sunt complet covarsita de conditia mea fizica extraordinara. Atunci cand liftul nu merge si trebuie sa urc pe scari pentru a ajunge la etajul doi la biroul meu, ma prabusesc pe el lesinata din cauza efortului:))). Intotdeauna planuiesc sa merg la yoga, pilates, dar niciodata nu ajung .
- Sunt extrem de dezagreabila si morocanoasa dimineata devreme. Sa spun ca nu sunt o persoana matinala ar fi aproape o gluma. Nu putine au fost momentele in care Sara a trebuit sa se prefaca ca doarme,desi eu faceam zgomot de teama pentru viata ei. Nu este de mirare ca primul meu gand in fiecare dimineata cand suna ceasul este :”De ce?, de ce??? De ce eu???”
- Daca as avea o superputere as vrea superputerea de a-mi oferi mie insami orice superputere oricand vreau – pentru ca asa sunt eu, o persoana generoasa:)))))))))))))
- Sunt indecisa si predispusa extremelor in tot ceea ce fac, alerg mereu dupa un echilibru iluzoriu.
I know I'm weird and I bet you are too!:) Please share!:)
Fantastic phots, and fantastic you always my dear friend.
have a superb weekend.
esti o fata de nota 10!si ca de obicei,ai combinat superb,sa stii ca si asta e o arta,nu toti sunt in stare.te pup
Ah ce imi place rochiaaa!! :D Super!
Vai, eu in locul tau as innebuni sa ma trezesc dimineata; trebuie sa te impaci cumva altfel poate darami peretii :)) Eu am problema asta de o saptamana de cand m-am intors la facultate. Oribil.
Aoleu, ca ma mai chinui. De ce ai palton verde, de ce?:( De ce? Ca sa ma oftici pe mine, nu-i asa?:(
Ok, glumesc:P Ideea e ca imi place paltonul ala de mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooor:X:X:X Si-mi plac si bratarile si bereta dar cel mai mult imi place ca porti tocuri:D Ce sa mai, te-as lua acasa:D
Aoleu, vroiam sa-ti zic de vreo saptamana ca am gasit palarie din aia floppy la meli melo.Stiu ca vroiai si tu dar am tot uitat sa te anunt~X( In caz ca te intereseaza, e o culoare bej asa, ceva gen camel si e din fetru:D
superb outfit! desi stiu ca nu ti place iarna,te prind foarte bine pozele in peisajele astea cu fulgi :))arati ca o printesa rusoaica dar cred ca ti am mai spus asta! nici eu nu sunt o persoana matinala dar ma obliga jobul,in weekenduri mai devreme de 11 nu ma misc din pat...te pup,un weekend frumos sa ai
Am luat-o din Buzau fusta, e un magazin aici care aduce tot felul de minunatii dar nu au eticheta...Nu stiu de unde le aduc sau cine le produce dar aduc numai cate o bucata, cum a fost si fusta mea. N-am reusit eu sa o captez prea bine in poze dar vine superb pe corp:D Abia astept sa o port ca sa fac si niste poze si sa va arat:D
Iar palaria vezi ca are la Unirea sigur.Eu pe a mea de acolo am luat-o si mai erau vreo 3:D
Superbe pozele, arati surreal inconjurata de fulgi de nea :)
oooh, doamne!!! paltonul ala e absolut incredibil!!!!
si iti sta perfect, e asa frumos croit!!!
oooof...vreau si eu un palton colorat, cu talia marcata si FIX pana la genunchi!!!
aah: iar bereta si brosa cu fulg de nea sunt "the perfect touch"! i love your style!
That is such a pretty outfit, I adore the dress!
And hello, fellow tv show addict :D
Ce-mi place noul vostru header ♥
So so pretty! Love the dress and the accessories...
Not a morning person either and no.7 is such a Libra thing :))
Frumoasa combinatie! Russian girl...intr-adevar. Felicitari pt premiu; iar dintre cele 7 lucruri scrise de tine, eu imi doresc primul sa se intample:D X
sacramento – thank you so much:)
Modniza - :)))), multumesc mult, tot mi-am dorit eu toata viata un talent (sa pot canta, dansa, desena super bine) si nu am, macar sa potrivesc haine stiu:):)
Anaivilo – pai sunt putin innebunita, am crezut ca o sa ma obisnuiesc cu timpul, dar si dupa doi ani imi este le fel de greu, I have to be self employed in the future for the sake of my mental health:)
Andreea – multumesc, eu am ceva cu paltoanele verzi; am fost in expeditie si am gasit palaria, dar imi statea ciudat si nu am luat-o, dar cred ca mai trec odata, poate ma razgandesc
Ioana - :))) da, urasc frigul si clar in weekend ma trezesc dupa ora 11 (atunci cand nu am nimic de facut), multumesc mult
Anca Buzea – multumesc:)
Monica – multumesc, cred ca o sa pun macar unul dintre paltoanele mele verzi la vanzare pe blog, le-am numarat si am 5 paltoane verzi, e ceva in neregula cu mine:))))
Anna Pope - :))), de fiecare data cand intru la tine pe blog ma simt mai bine, I feel at home as you’re a fellow addict
Special K – multumesc, e facut de sora-mea, chiar ma gandeam ca nu l-a observat nimeni:)))
The Hearabouts – thank you, I’m such a libra cliché:))
Adella – multumesc, si eu la fel)))
holy mother and god this is just perfect. the coat... oh the coat? everything about it screams super expensive, amazing wool quality. the dress is goregous. i love plaid. i actually wore a plaid dress friday too. i have an outfit to show next time.i really like the idea of a snoweflake brooch on the beret. adds even more amazingness to this. i'm actually gonna steal this idea from u.
btw is that a lace coat i seee in the new banner? cause its to die for. i cant wait to see the full outfit with it. u sure have a lot of great surprises for us this year.
:)) I am wasting my life on TV shows too, I watch them all the time. It would be nice to be a globetrotter, tell me when you decide to go backpacking maybe I will join you. Can we start with visiting Asia? Pretty please with sugar on top.
You are not the only one who just isn't a morning person. Mornings can be tough, stay strong.
The coat is amazing I just love that shade of green. very elegant.
I also love the beret, very Parisian chic.
love your way of doing things in life :) .. from these 7 points about you, we have a lot in common :))
Mina - :)))) you're right there, I'm wearing wool all over in this outfit. The coat was a very lucky find! You can use the brooch idea whenever, I'm happy to give you and everybody else little outfits ideas. That's a lace and glitter trench indeed, I can't believe you spot it - that outfit will be next I think. Thank you!:) Many Kisses:)
Laura - We can start In Asia sure, I do love that continent. Thank you!
Cecille -:))) are you a Libra?:)
superb! imi plac la nebunie atat rochita cat si paltonasul in culoarea senzatie in sezonul ce urmeaza! vintage rulz :), if you know how to wear it!
p.s. pt ca iubiti vintage-ul, nu ratati giveaway-ul de pe blogul meu(o esarfa anii 60 din matase, daniel la foret-paris)
you have noo idea how weird !!! you're so magicaly beautiful in these photos!
Alice, esti o scumpa si mi-e dor de tine :-)
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