Guys, I’m in denial over this nightmare called the weather in Romania. And let me tell you that this is not a good thing as I froze my ass off these last couple of days because I just can’t seem to be able to dress weather appropriate. I always say: it can’t be that cold and throw a light jacket or a trench over a dress or whatever and then as I feel my blood becoming slightly solid in my veins I swear never to do that again. But the next day it’s the same story so this weekend I decided to finally make the seasonal clothes switch: put away the summer-fall clothes and bring out the warmer ones. It for my own good, it’s basically survival.
This two outfits make me a little bit nostalgic as I wore them when the weather was glorious here- the perfect golden fall. I’m a lover of maxi although I rarely find something long enough for me and this two dresses are maxi for most of the people and kind of maxi for me:))).
I love the watch with the golden chains bracelet that I made myself, it was inspired by an older Swatch model that I used to love, you maybe know it (it was in silver), my favorite cousin had one when I was in high school and I was in love with it (the watch, not my cousin:))))).
Varianta in romana:
Sunt absolut ingrozita de vremea de afara (parca suntem intr-o poezie de Bacovia), mai mult decat atat, sunt in negare si ma tot imbrac total nepotrivit pentru temperaturile de afara. In ultimele zile am inghetat ingrozitor pentru ca de fiecare data am apreciat/ m-am amagit ca este mult mai cald decat era in realitate. Din aceasta cauza o sa dedic weekendul inlocuirii hainelor de vara-toamna cu cele de iarna ca masura de supravietuire.
Tinutele de azi sunt din vremurile in care Bucurestiul era sub vraja unei toamne calde, aproape perfecta. Imi plac rochiile si fustele maxi desi gasesc cu greu ceva suficient de lung pentru mine, uneori trebuie sa ma multumesc cu ceva aproape maxi.:)
Nu o sa va povestec nimic despre haine, accesoriile sunt facute in mare parte de mine si Sara, inclusiv ceasul auriu din prima tinuta. Cadranul este desigur vintage, dar i-am inlocuit curelele cu o bratara din lanturi subtiri aurii prinse cu o funda indigo– am fost inspirata de un model Swatch mai vechi (era argintiu) care mi-a placut foarte mult in liceu (verisoara mea preferata avea unul si imi placea la nebunie).
I’m wearing: black bow flats – American Eagle, leather jacket –H&M, belt, bracelets -random/no name brand, watch -Alice&Sara (made by me), at least the chains bracelet is made by me as the watch itself is retro.
I’m wearing: 70’s dress, little navy cardigan, suede boots - vintage, leather jacket –H&M, belt -random/no name brand, flower headband, bracelets - Alice&Sara (made by me)
Are you a fan of winter? Ready for the Holiday Season?
da,vremea de afara ma omoara si pe mine...
imi place foarte mult outfit-ul nr1 si nr 2,ceasul ,bentita superba si cardiganul super!
super ambele tinute,imi plac la nebunie imprimeurile rochiei si fustei si ceasul,cit despre iarna, nu o suport,as vrea sa emigrez definitiv in maldive sau macar in grecia :))insa ador sarbatorile de iarna cu tot ce tine de ele(mai putin frigul,zapada,zloata etc)
pupici caldurosi :P
super ambele tinute,imi plac la nebunie imprimeurile rochiei si fustei si ceasul,cit despre iarna, nu o suport,as vrea sa emigrez definitiv in maldive sau macar in grecia :))insa ador sarbatorile de iarna cu tot ce tine de ele(mai putin frigul,zapada,zloata etc)
pupici caldurosi :P
Love your flowery maxi dress and skirt.They go so well with the jacket and the navy blue cardigan.
Your gold watch is a master piece.
You are so snazzy...
superba geaca de piele , mai ales in combinatie cu florile din imprimeurile rochiilor. And again with the wasp talie:)) U go girl.
Nici mie nu imi place iarna , dar ador momentele ca cel al reorganizarii garderobei pt ca imi dau ocazia sa imbratisez haine care le uitasem demult, plus sa scot spre donat/vandut haine care nu le mai port. Ce mai, imi reanalizez modul de a ma imbraca cu fiecare schimbare de climat.
The weather sucks big time! I am here sitting, making myself courage to step put of the house or I'll go crazy. I still don't understand why hasn't snowed here yet. I am want back home in Suceava right now :))
I love the first look, the print on the dress is gorgeous! :D Suddenly I am obsessed with prints!
The weather sucks big time! I am here sitting, making myself courage to step put of the house or I'll go crazy. I still don't understand why hasn't snowed here yet. I am want back home in Suceava right now :))
I love the first look, the print on the dress is gorgeous! :D Suddenly I am obsessed with prints!
Eu cred ca am sa ma baricadez in casa.Ma apuca groaza numai cand scot capul pe geam si vad ce-i afara(il inteleg pe Bacovia acum:)))Macar de ar fi zapada, parca ar mai indulci putin frigul asta.
Me loves maxi too si tare mi-ar place sa ajung sa spun si eu vreodata ca o rochie mi-e prea scurta:D You are awesome of course, imi plac ambele rochii si arata perfect cu jacheta de piele:X
si la noi e super frig and it makes taking my picture outside super hard. today my toes amost froze when i spent a couple of hours outside.
as to the outfit nu pot sa iti zic cat de mult ma bucur ca postezi asa des your outfits. aceasta rochie cu impremuel ei este super nice. its very hermes. dupa mine though i dont think it fits u as a maxi ( lucky u 4 being so tall ) so i would hem it to the knee or just a bit shorter than what it is right now. I think it would look more stunning and it would also let the shoes pop as well.
btw i think this dress would be perfect in the summer with flat sandals or even a kitten vintage heel. i cant wait to see how u style it then.
Oh I know what you mean. I actually had to give up my dear dresses and wear jeans last week and that pains me so. I'm not craving spring but the autumn weather was so very nice and I miss it so much!
But I have to say that you look absolutely fantastic in your outfit! The jacket and long dress look perfect and I adore your watch :)
Thank you so much for passing by girls and taking the time to leave a comment, I truly appreciate it and love reading everything you write to me!:)
gorgeouss stufff. love the long skirt and that double breasted top. i get what you mean when you said who wearing such impractical garments nips you in the butt as soon as you step out that front door :)
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