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Monday, November 04, 2013

Dream outfit - long boots

I used to buy lots of clothes on instinct and momentary whims but not so much anymore - I guess the  old saying "with age comes wisdom" has some truth to it. Not too much, though!:)))) But I did notice that I spend way more time "researching" before making a purchase so I will mark that as progress.

That being said I've been looking for quite a while for the perfect pair of knee length boots and I think my search has finally come to an end. This one pair seems like the answer to all my prayers: they are flat just like I wanted them, simple but with enough interesting design elements not to be boring and juts the right height. I actually can't stop imagining all kind of outfits around them! They do seem to work with pretty much anything, don't they?

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Sport shoes madness

I know this may come as a shock to you all but I wasn’t always the fashion maven that I am today!:)))) In fact looking back I can remember quite a few get ups that would have horrified even the brave-hearted! 

Middle school especially was a time of fashion debauchery – the mixes I made would have blown your mind. In light of recent years trends some of the outfits I put on in my lifetime were either pretty awful or way ahead of the times. Come to think about it I was always a visionary, if I may say so myself.
So yeah, ignore the first variant and let’s go with – I can’t remember a time I wasn’t anything but awesome.

Heck I was rocking snickers with fancy dresses and short skirts practically since I was a baby! So it comes as no sock to me that sport shoes have become so popular lately and with outfits that have nothing to do with running or going to the gym!

I think the main reason I love this combination so much is the comfort factor. Can you think of anything more comfortable to wear on a daily bases? Didn’t think so!

If I could I would go to work wearing a colorful pair of  sport shoes every day – and I’m not going to lie, it happened and they were in great company – cute skirts, cigarette pants or short dresses. This new trend has made me check out online stores I wouldn't have been particularly interested in before. Millet Sports is now bookmarked and looked at periodically for a cute new pair of running shoes to wear in unbecoming combinations.:))) And from what I’m seeing around lots of girls have hopped on the bandwagon. This is not the easiest trend to nail but I’ve seen some really pretty get ups involving sport shoes done right (the photos are proof of just that).

Photos: 1, 2.

Let me know what are your thoughts on the matter!

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Urechi pisica din dantela neagra

These fun and flirty headband features small lace pointy ears entirely designed and hand sewn by me. They are both seductive and adorable and can be worn with almost everything, the only thing required is a little bit of fashion bravery and maybe some sort of rebellion against what is considered normal for somebody to wear daily. I personally love them and wear them a lot, not only on Halloween or costume parties.

Each lace ears headband is handmade by me, and no two are alike (even if I duplicate one model the results will never be identical)! If you are interested email me and I can add it in my Etsy Store!

Cat Lace Ears (Urechi pisica din dantela neagra) - 65 RON
Descriere: Urechi de pisica din dantela neagra fixate pe bentita neagra, pot fi purtate la petreceri tematice, de Halloween sau pur si simplu pe strada just for fun! Se pot reface la cerere!
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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fusta tutu verde

I know it's already fall but I'm still in a summery mood and I will take advantage of the great weather we're still having here as much and as long as I can. What can I say - I'm not one to let go easily!

I'm also having a ballerina moment while wearing this great tutu skirt in the most amazing shade of green. Since the skirt it's a pretty big statement on it's own I thought a simple white tank top would be the best choice to go with it. 

The long tassel earrings and the tiara are both handmade by me. You can check more of my handy work in my Etsy Store (if you like something on my blog but can't find it in the store let me know and I can add it for you!)

Fusta verde din tul – 50 lei/VANDUTA
Brand - Romwe
Marime: S-M,  Talie – 60 cm (minim – este elastica), Lungime – 82cm
Material: poliester, tul, organza
Stare: noua
Descriere: Fusta tutu peste genunchi cu trei straturi: jupa, tul si organza deasupra, talie elastica, stratul de organza de la suprafata are pliuri, este noua!

Cercei lungi Alice&Sara cu franjuri verzi - 25 lei
Descriere: Cercei ciucure foarte lungi din franjuri verzi, lungime totala - 21-22 cm. Disponibili in alte doua varianate de culori pe langa modelul verde: roz si negru. Mentionati ce culoare doriti in mailul cu comanda!

Tiara Alice&Sara cu margele/perle - 45 lei (mai multe poze aici)
Descriere: Tiara argintie cu margele albe (perle artificiale) - pentru mirese si printese!

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wedding inspiration

I don’t know what’s happening but many of my friends are getting married soon so I have quite a few happy ever after parties to attend in the future. Keeping that in mind I thought I should write something about weddings and provide some inspiration for everybody planning or at least contemplating tying the knot.

I will admit I didn’t think about it much before but once I started it was a lot of fun. For me a wedding should be all about celebrating love and happiness and should reflect the personality of the bride and the groom. Ok, let be honest, it’s going to be mostly about the bride but still, it’s the thought that counts.
Here are the first things that come in mind when first starting the planning (once you nail these you can focus on smaller details and pretty much breathe easy since the main stuff is out of the way).

1. The dress
Any soon-to-be bride is going to tell you this is the most important thing...ever. Once the girl has the dress and the ring she will be happy. I’m personally partial to a bridal set engagement ring or at least a perfect, timeless princess cut diamond ring, but as long as the guy is the right one anything will work, even a heirloom piece.
When it comes to the dress I would go for something that makes you feel like a fairy – full skirt, lace inserts, retro detailing, long, transparent veil and even a whimsical hair piece. It depends on personal taste  - every bride should have her dream dress and look for it until she finds it. Much like the groom you should never settle for less.:))))

 When it comes to timeless jewelry my first choice is Anjolee - especially since all their pieces can be customized according to preference of metal type, diamond size and quality, length/size as well!

2.The venue
In my mind there’s no better wedding than a summer or fall wedding – warm, sunny weather is definitely a must. That’s mainly because I love outdoor weddings. There’s something so simple and romantic about a garden weeding that I can’t imagine it any other way. I’m thinking a white tent with lots of flowers and quirky colorful details.

3. The cake
I have a serious sweet tooth and I think a weeding is as good as the cake they serve. Something light but delicious is always a good choice. The way it looks is not as important but I do like it when the cake is a piece of art in itself – just look at this minimalist beauty topped with flowers (hopefully edible).

   Photos: 1, 2.

There’s also the music, flowers, food and decorations but once you have the basic you can choose the rest having them in mind and everything will be much easier and cohesive. 
There’s really so much to write about this subject but I thought we should ease into it – we don’t want to get wedding crazy, do we? Feel free to share your perfect wedding scenario if you have one in mind!


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall Wishlit

A few weeks ago I couldn’t even think about layers and fall and I was still dreaming about sandy beaches and summer florals. Even the thought of something thicker than a t-shirt was enough to make me sweat and I couldn’t bring myself to start preparing for the colder months ahead.

But things change once the hot weather starts to slip into the pleasant warmth of early fall and my mind wonders towards the next season fashion favorites. This time around I’m thinking light jackets, lace dresses paired with cashmere knitwear pieces, delicate socks in sky high ankle boots, hats and embroidered bags.  Big baroque belts and tight over the knee boots are also something I’m into this fall. 

I’m not what you can call a trend follower but rather pick and choose what I like and if some current trends happen to be mixed in I tend to think fashion has finally catched up with me and not the other way around. If that’s not narcissistic confidence then I don’t know what is!!! 

But seriously now, I always loved a good contrast so I need to get my hands on a see-through gold skirt to wear with a big sweater and bare legs in chunky sandals while I still can.

Photos: 1, 2.
How's your fall wishlist looking like?


Sunday, September 01, 2013

Curea/Bentita "Alice&Sara" cu tepi si trandafiri

This belt/headband (multifunctional accessory) is my latest creation - one that I worked a while to finish.  I'm very happy with the result though. I think it looks like something an autumn fairy would wear, I imagine it would look fabulous on someone with long hair. 
The base is a satin band on which I carefully applied soft gold spikes, colorful greenery, small beads and textile paper roses that I hand dyed in shades of green, pink and yellow - it's pretty much impossible to duplicate because of the the amount of details involved into making it. This is a wonderful little accessory to transform any outfit in something whimsical - at the end if the day we all need a dash of fairytale in our life.
Check out more of my work in my Etsy Store!

Curea/Bentita "Alice&Sara" cu tepi si trandafiri - 95 lei
Descriere: Accesoriu multifunctional care poate fi purtat ca bentita, curea, chiar si colier - totul depinde de imaginatia fiecaruia. Este un accesoriu la care am lucrat o vreme si care, datorita multitudinii de elemente, nu poate fi duplicat decat ca idee (si cu exactitate aproximativa).
Baza este o banda de saten cu latimea de 2,5 cm pe care am aplicat tinte aurii, crengute colorate, trandafiri din hartie textila (pe care i-am pictat manual in nuante de roz, verde si galben) si margele micute. Terminatiile sunt brodate cu margele roz! Lumgime totala: 110 cm.  

 More photos here! /Mai multe fotografii aici!

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Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Summer’s End" Festival - 31 august

Dacă si tie iti plac lucrurile în editie limitată, vino pe 31 august la "Summer’s End" Festival, un eveniment care reuneste artisti plastici, ilustratori si designeri de obiecte hand made.

Te asteptăm sâmbătă, 31 august 2013, între orele 12:00 şi 22:00 la Casa Carol 53 (Bd. Carol I, nr. 53, Bucuresti).

Programul complet al evenimentului poate fi gasit pe pagina de Facebook!

Iată ce se va întampla:

Workshopuri de creatie

Expozitie ilustratii: Alina Panait, Andreea Rosca , Costin Moraru, Iuliana Vasile,Alexandra Aramă & Ada Barbu, Dana Schrenck;

Handmade Arts: Alin Dinică, Andra Cazacu, Diana Blajan, Romanita Blanca Cires, Irina Ferche & Andra Apostolescu, Crina Curtescu 
Textile: Anca Untu, Ada Taleb, Mihaela Bondalici, Viorela Popa;

Sculpturi în fructe – Fruit Carving Claus

Bike Arts & Crafts: Vino cu bicicleta la eveniment și participă la un atelier de mecanică pentru fete (orele 14:00) sau la un concurs de montat și demontat biciclete la orele 15:00, alături de atelierul de vopsit biciclete BitaColor.

CONCERT muzică de cameră Sabin Penea & Mischa (orele 18:00)

Friday, August 23, 2013

Colier Alice&Sara “Soft Matters” cu lanturi, margele, piele, dantela si pene

Colier Alice&Sara “Soft Matters” cu lanturi, margele, piele, dantela si pene – 95 RON
Descriere: Colier statement  lung pe care l-am realizat pornind de la un guler din piele rosie cu volane din dantela roz foarte delicata (este captusit cu aceeasi dantela si in interior) decorat cu o floare si o funda realizate din aceleasi materiale, partea de jos este un amestec gratios de lanturi argintii de diferite dimensiuni, margele albe si roz, charmuri cu aripi de inger, margele semipretioase de cuart si coral rosu si chiar un ciucure din pene naturale.

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Thursday, August 08, 2013

Fusta cu talie inalta

Ok, so I'm obsessed, sue me for that! Trends may come and go but I'm going to wear pin up inspired looks forever.  

And I will keep on collecting high waisted skirts as well because I love them. They look great with everything but cropped tops are my favorite pairing - they just look right together. 

We should never stay against perfection. Don't forget you sandals and sunglasses - it's summer after all!

Fusta in carouri cu talie inalta – 45 RON
Marime: S, M (38-40), Talie – 74cm, Lungime – 80cm
Material:  100% bumbac
Stare: nou
Descriere: Fusta cu talie inalta si buzunare din bumbac cu imprimeu in carouri in nuante de alb, kaky, gri si negru, are pliuri pe toata suprafata, la tiv are un volan decorativ din dantela sparta, se inchide in fata cu nasturi, nu are dublura, nu este transparenta, stare excelenta!

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Monday, August 05, 2013

Bentita Alice&Sara cu pasare albastra

Alice&Sara Fantasy Bird Headband
I have a thing for quirky, exotic looking accessories and this headband was inspired by Alice in Wonderland and all the fantasy books I love so much.
A simple black satin covered headband decorated with a rose that I designed and hand sawn carefully. I’ve added a cute nest made from textile and wire branches with natural red briars (or different shades of green textile leafs) and a wonderfully colored exotic bird with natural feathers. The butterfly was obviously attracted by the scenery and landed on the rose. If you are interested email me and I can add it in my Etsy Store!

Bentita Alice&Sara cu pasare albastra - 55 RON
Descriere: Bentita neagra decorata cu un trandafir negru din saten pe care si-a facut cuib din crengute si macese o pasare exotica albastra cu pene naturale si un alt fluturas adorabil, albastru si el.

Pentru mai multe fotografii (cum  am purtat-o eu) click AICI!

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Rochie lunga imprimeu exotic

Can you tell I'm in full summer mood and can't stop dreaming about exotic beaches and clear blue waters? What gave me away? Is it the colorful off the shoulders dress I'm wearing indoors? Maybe the floral cat sunglasses? Or maybe is all in the grin on my face?
 I know,  I'm so very hard to read!



Rochie colorata lunga cu volan (umeri goi) – 30 RON
Marime: L, XL, 42-44, Bust – 110 cm, Talie – 126cm, Lungime – 115 cm
Material: bumbac 
Stare: ca noua
Descriere: Rochie lunga cu imprimeu exotic colorat (plaja, palmieri, ananas, scoici, pesti) in nuante de albastru, mov, galben, alb, roz, rosu, verde şi maro, croiala este dreapta, simpla şi sus are un volan foarte mare şi poate fi purtata cu umerii cazuti, este noua! Rochia este lunga pentru cineva cu inaltimea sub 1.78 (nu uitati ca eu sunt foarte inalta:))
Curea roz cristale– 25 RON
Marime: Lungime – 93cm, Latime: 3cm - 4.3 cm
Material: piele (cred)
Descriere: Curea roz pal, speciala, cu partea centrala decorata cu cristale transparenete si aplicatii metalice, realizata dintr-o combinatie de piele lata si piele fasii, se inchide la spate cu catarama (se poate purta si cu catarama in fata in functie de cum doriti), stare excelenta!

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