So here you have another statement necklace/detachable collar from the
series inspired by dragon sales and angel wings. I started designing it
with dragon scales in my mind. Not the most obvious line of thinking,
but it’s
just how my mind works. It ended up looking more like two colorful angel
but I'm in love with it .
Basically this amazing Peter Pan collar is made out of little pieces
of colorful leather (red, yellow, blue and purple) that I designed, cut
and hand saw myself in an angel wing shape with an ombre effect. I then added small
black beads to finish of the look. The base is leather as well!
It can be
worn over your favorite shirt, blouse, sweater or dress – it gives an instant
whimsical and feminine feel to any outfit. Every collar has a ribbon tie back
to allow for adjustable tightness.
Guler detasabil Peter Pan aripi
de inger/dragon scales (varianta 3 ) – 95 lei
Descriere: Acesta este treilea guler din seria aripi de inger/solzi de
dragon, o sa urmeze si alte variatii de culori in viitorul apropiat.
Practic acesta este un guler
detasabil/colier statement realizat dintr-o multime de bucatele de
piele si piele intoarsa colorata in nuante de rosu, albastru inchis, mov si
galben si decorat cu margele negre
de diverse marimi cusute manual pe o baza de piele. Se prinde la spate
cu o
bentita ajustabila din saten. Il puteti purta peste bluze, rochii,
tricouri, pulovere si va da oricarei tinute un plus de cool, feminitate