I just want to thank everybody who stopped by, left a comment, wrote an email or bought something from my store. I’m very grateful for every word you wrote and second of time you spent here and I want you all to know they mean a lot to me and keep me going. Thank you and I wish you a great year!:)
Vreau sa multumesc tuturor celor care ne-au vizitat anul acesta, celor care ne-au lasat comentarii, ne-au scris mailuri, celor care au cumparat haine si accesorii Alice&Sara. Va suntem foarte recunoscatoare si vrem sa stiti ca fiecare cuvant pe care l-ati scris aici si fiecare secunda petrecuta pe blogul nostru inseamna enorm pentru si ne impulsioneaza sa continuam sa confectionam accesorii, sa scriem articole si sa facem fotografii pentru a le posta aici. Speram sa aveti un an 2011 grozav!:)
Hey guys, I’ve been a very bad blogger and I have no excuse except the fact I suck when it comes to packing. I’ve left Bucharest decided to document every single vacation outfit and so I packed half my apartment. I was super proud of me until I arrived home and my camera was nowhere to be found. The horror!!!! I also forgot all my carefully packed shoes in Bucharest except the boots I was wearing and my high ankle boots. At least I had 15 dresses!:))))))And so I accepted my fate as the worse vacation packer and enjoyed lazing around and dressing up for no reason and receiving the best Christmas presents ever. And then while looking for a pair of gloves I found…my old camera. A Christmas miracle if you ask me! And so I decided to take some photos as I was at my grandparent’s house and it was snowing - a real fairytale. Needles to say I froze my ass off but I had to show you the incredible dress my sister gave me as a present. I’m in love! This dress is not only super beautiful: rich cherry red velvet, little bows at the waist, full skirt, silver sand beds embroidery at the neck and sleeves but it also means something to me as it’s very similar to a dress I had as a little girl and loved a lot (my sister ordered it from Ebay having that in mind). The purse and little crown I wear on my head are also presents from her. The rings are Forever 21 and they represent the gift I gave myself.
Hope you had the best Christmas and received beautiful presents form your loved ones.
Varianta in romana:
Buna dragilor, am revenit din vacanta (…aproape). Cand am plecat din Bucuresti am impachetat jumatate din apartament hotarata sa documentez toate tinutele pe care urma sa le port acasa de sarbatori. Eram foarte mandra de talentul meu la facut bagaje pana cand am ajuns acasa si mi-am dat seama ca uitasem aparatul foto si aproape toti pantofii cu exceptia cizmelor din picioare si a ghetelor negre cu toc foarte inalt – macar aveam 15 rochii!!!!!
Dupa ce am luptat cu depresia cateva ore m-am resemnat si am cedat atmosferei de sarbatori: am lenevit, am mancat mult prea multe dulciuri, m-am imbracat frumos fara motiv si m-am bucurat de cadourile primite de Craciun. In urma cu trei zile, in timp ce cautam niste manusi am gasit un aparat foto mai vechi pe care il pierdusem si cum eram la bunici si ningea am decis sa fac cateva poze. Am inghetat ingrozitor dar n-am putut sa rezist, trebuia sa va arat rochia primita cadou de la sora mea (impreuna cu geanta, coronita de pe cap si un trench din paiete pe care o sa vi-l arat alta data) si care imi place enorm: este din catifea visinie de cea mai buna calitate si are o broderie din margele argintii de nisip la guler si la maneci si doua fundite adorabile in talie. Pe langa toate acestea are si valoare sentimentala - Sara a comandat-o de pe Ebay pentru mine pentru ca seamana foarte mult cu una dintre rochiile mele preferate din copilarie. Inelele sunt Forever 21 si sunt cadoul pe care mi l-am facut singura.
Sper ca ati avut un Craciun minunat si ca ati primit multe cadouri frumoase.
Speaking of presents, what did you get? Have you been naughty or nice?